Manual Logout
There may be a time when you try to login and get the message
“This account is currently using the system from another device. Logout from the other device to use this one”
To resolve: Click the Manual Login (just below and to the right of Login button)
Enter your email and password and then click Logout button
Now you can login
(Note: Only displays Catalog Numbers where Track&Price actually has Auction Results)
(For example if you selected Afghanistan for the country, then clicked on P-23 you see all auction results for P-23. If you then clicked on the small letter “a” you will see only auction results for P-23a)
It’s that simple.
Additional Information
Country and Catalog# Page
The bar above the Catalog Numbers contains displays all the Ctlg Prefixes for the selected country.
For the vast majority of countries ALL of the catalog numbers that have auction results are displayed.
Some countries have a huge number of catalog numbers which delays the response time for you to see the data.
Examples are Canada, China, Russia and several others. For these countries ONLY the Pick numbers are shown initially.
By clicking any Prefix the system will display only these catalog numbers with the selected Prefix.
Auction Results Page
The bar above the Auction Results contains a wealth of options you can select to tailor how you want to display data.
For example you could enter 60 to 70 to display only Uncirculated auction results
When you click on a Main Ctlg# you see all the auction results including Specimens and Proofs.
There are times you will want to exclude Specimens and Proofs . By clicking on this option you can do
exactly that.
A Grade of 99 indicates that the grade could not be determined. This happens with Ebay notes.
You can exclude displaying these records by clicking on this option.
You simply may want to exclude Ebay auction results. You can exclude by clicking on this option
You can select to only see auction results by a specific TPG (Third Party Grading service)
Permits you to display auction results from a specific Auction House.
Auction Results are normally displayed by Date in reverse date order.
You can also sort the data by Grade or Price
Settings Page
This area permits you to tailor the WPM system .
Select the CURRENCY you want to display (default is United States USD US Dollar)
Select the language you want the website to display in (Default is English)
You may want to NOT see auction results under a specific Dollar amount.
For example you do not want to see any data under $10.00 (Default is 0)
Account Page
Help Page
This page will assist you with frequent questions that are asked about the system.
Manual Logout
There may be a time when you try to login and get the message
“This account is currently using the system from another device. Logout from the other device to use this one”
To resolve: Click the Manual Login (just below and to the right of Login button)
Enter your email and password and then click Logout button
Now you can login
“Exclude Ebay”
For example you are located at Argentina and you want to Spain. Hit the letter ‘s’ on your keyboard and the list will jump to countries beginning with ‘S’ (in this case the country Saar). You can then scroll down to Spain.